От издателя Amongst the most influential of the 1980s electronic post punk bands, Blancmange, are one of the few bands from that era that, despite commercial success, can still be classed as a true cult itemащчдщ Combining effortlessly catchy proto dance tunes with genuinely surreal lyrics and offbeat vocals they were probably the most original outfit to emerge from the scene However, what really set them apart from their contemporaries was the ability, in spite of their bizaбйавоrre persona, to project a genuinely down-to-earth human image In short Blancmange were about as enigmatic as they make them This DVD features a Blancmange on the verge of national chart success Filmed at Manchester's famous Hagienda club in 1982 it contains most of their hits, many of which have become bona fide classics in their own right and are still the staple of samplers the world over From the frantic arrogance of 'Can't Explain' to the exotic dancability of 'Living on the Cбрпилeiling' the songs remain as fresh and addictive as they did over two decades ago It's a rare chance to see one of the UK's most celebrated musical treasures live You simply cannot help but love them Track List: 01 Can't Explain 02 I Would 03 I've Seen The Word 04 Kind (Save Me) 05 Running Thin 06 Feel Me 07 Cruel 08 Wasted 09 Waves 10 Gods Kitchen 11 Living On The Ceiling 12 Sad Day 13 Kind (Save Me) Актер "Blancmange" (Исполнитель).