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Insight World Travel Atlas (+ DVD-ROM) Серия: Insight Atlas инфо 4028n.

With a wealth of special features and a unique layout, this is both a traditional atlas and a comprehensive world travel guide bringing destinations to life in words and pictures Clear, up-to-date digital ащщчмmapping 2,000 full-colour photographs plus informative texts 17,000 points of interest highlighted by a pictorial system Comprehensive index with 100,000 entries Over 80 Dream Routes of the World with special touring maps plus text and an additional 1,000 photoбйбчсgraphs With interactive DVD ROM: Just load onto your PC to access a cartographic database containing 100,000 places and attractions You can locate a city or landmark by entering a key word in the pop-up window Click on any pictogram to access direct links to more than 25,000 official tourist information websites Includes route planning tools and personal travel log facility Формат: 29,5 см x 37,5 cм Прилагаемый к изданию диск DVD-ROM упакован в специальный целлофановый кобрпъпнверт и вложен внутрь книги Иллюстрации.